A Landscape Architecture Blog

Monday, 4 February 2013

Concept Model #1

This was the concept model of the major design site complete in the studio session, 14th January.  I subsequently labelled it up for the site survey presentation - in essence it is supposed to represent the linear nature of West Hove seafront.  The voids in the middle are the run down amenity areas (tennis courts, bowing green, basket ball courts) that run from east to west, towards Hove lagoon. The dead spaces.

 This was developed further to illustrate the industrial area to the west of the site.

The main relationship between the promenade and the westerly industrial site should be investigated. Linking the two in a meaningful manner is one of the challenges. The hatched area below...

1 comment:

  1. you need to introduce a net.. on top of your corrigated , to go with your delicate string ...remember old Schumi and his villette layers
    you are making quite dynamic statements with the peeling back of the existing tabula rasa /landuse you have to go forward with the dynamic concept. but allow use&function and environmental conditions(wind rain salt) to generate its own random masterplan. you have to be careful with a rigid grid form of patterning - look at milton keynes ..ho ho..
