A Landscape Architecture Blog

Tuesday 3 April 2012

The Line - Team project kick-off

After the second walking of the The Line, the group was divided in to 2 - group one and and group 2 - clever, eh!  Each team had individual tasks, but the overall deliverable is to collate the individual research and make a book.  Equally, we had to make a film that describes our feeling and experience along The Line.

I was looking after the film with Alex, and individually, developing ideas for the book based on spatial proportion, enclosure and x-sectional feeling.

On the subject spatial proportion, I was thinking about the changing skyline from Primrose Hill to the West End.  The sketches above are about the diminishing skyline moving south along The Line.  From horizontal vista at PH, to a more complex landscape with vertical interventions in the West End.
I've always liked the work of Rob and Nick Carter - quite inspiring for this project. http://www.robandnick.com/. Especially the pieces on here... http://www.travellingstill.com/
Inspired by Rob and Nick Carter - the idea of the skyline being 'disturbed' by vertical interventions (buildings, planting etc).

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