A Landscape Architecture Blog

Saturday 31 March 2012

Keith Haring - project mentor

Keith Haring is my mentor for The Line project - so I have to have somehow apply his influence to my final design proposal.  During the studio session (back on the 17th March... yep, I'm playing blog catch-up), we had to select a favourite piece from our chosen mentor, describe their influences and identify comtemporaries that have shaped their style and methodology.
So here's Keith in his Tokyo Pop Shop - actually in the line... I picked him to induce some anarchy in my work!  Here a few concept models a that explore The Line...
The first quickie model was about tying Haring's influences together - artistic influences, popular culture, contemporaries, sex and drugs (the paper tubes). 
Then I was thinking about The Line in 3D and used ribbon to emphasise this while creating rhythm and movement.
Developing The Line in 3D, quite like how the ribbon falls and creates a dynamic of it own. The influences (tubes) are in a vertical orienation - I was thinking about the cityscape and using the ribbon as 'Haring's line', connecting spaces or landmarks.  

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