A Landscape Architecture Blog

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Sketch Masterplan Crit

Yesterday's studio session was devoted to everyone's initial masterplanning and design ambition.  A long day of presentations and crits, with the realisation that it's time to get down the the nitty gritty of design. Personally, I've done lots of fluffy, concept diagramming - which has been very useful - however, we have around six weeks left to nail it. That's not long!
Here are a few extracts from the presentation and comments from the panel - my full presentation can be found in the pages section.  

So I've finally worked out how to use my camera! 

The overriding concept for my site - the 'indelible' can be imagined as the 4th dimensional experience.  Benz was interested in my idea of capturing the coastal 'flux'.

Inspired by Robert Smithson, for me this is even more relevant on the coast.

Did a few indicative colour studies on site a few days ago by way of capturing the vernacular of the site. 

The activities on the the promenade the pretty much as illustrated - a place for contemplation (beach huts), waking, running and cycling - although the later isn't actually permitted. I suggested fragmenting the promenade in order to dissipate the activities and potentially create new opportunities.  Tom Turner interpreted this as destroying the promenade - not necessary, more redefining and reprogramming.

Nick Clear asked what I meant by 'dynamic space'.  In essence, this is about spaces that people can appropriate for themselves - the space is unprogrammed and fluid like the elements, hence dynamic.
Tom's initial though was that the masterplan drawing was a little disappointing, however he suggested that this might just be the graphics.  I tend to agree.  It quite bland, but it is only a schematic, and doesn't convey a huge amount of detail. It's not a masterplan yet my any stretch on the imagination!

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