A Landscape Architecture Blog

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Tschumi and Lewitt modelled

I was thinking about the flatness of Tschumi's grid in 3D and Lewitt's deconstructed cubes. Imaging the follies as visual reference points that when connected divide and organise the space:

A grid like the Tschumi's points, but imagined as temporal features.  The coastal landscape can drift and drape around the interventions, like sand dunes. As generators of ephemeral moments - therefore having an effect on the program.

Fragmenting, yet organising the space.

I decided to do some quick models to develop the ideas:

The model represents a westerly panorama. The promenade is the central section of card with the sea and land on either side. The matches are randomly placed points in space, connect arbitrarily with lines. Exploring the concept of dividing the space.

The next model is based on a snaking promenade, with intersections that fragment from ground level to a point in space on the both the sea and land. The points are the same height from the ground, but the angles of elevation vary.

I was trying imagine the concept of 'groynes' emanating from the promenade (the black line). The red lines are imaginary lines that when connected to the points at the peak of each groyne  mimic and amplify the curves of the traversing path.  The void between the groynes could be filled with earth works generated by the sea.

The active shoreline'feeding' the spacial dividers.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Julian
    great dwgs .. meant to say the other day have you looked at patrick Geddes ..
    how are you getting on with your 'masterplan' development and strategies
