A Landscape Architecture Blog

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Studio 21_01_13

Bit of a pier group brainstorm, followed by tutorials with James and Nick... talked about the slush model and the overall concept of encouraging permeation of sea into the land as device to redefine the seafront. Talked about the groynes as interventions designed to manipulate drifting sediment.

We discussed the idea of manipulation of long shore drift, moreover the manipulation of natural processes. This came to mind... Worthing beach after a cargo ship shed it load of timber in Jan 2008:

 Groynes as collectors

Almost like thousand of dismantles groynes washing up... I quite like the concept of the shoreline being the epicenter of the disorder, the most ephemeral point.

Wave action shaping the shoreline (above). Groynes in place to prevent longshore drift.

Wave action performing 'ephemeral hard' landscaping... waves like bulldozers, pushing and forming the pebbles.

Open sea = calm, apparent order,  shoreline =  violent, disorder... slicing action controlled by groynes.  What would happen if the groynes were removed or reconfigured?


  1. great photos
    what groynes do- prevent the beach from being washed away..early form of groynes like the ones at greenhithe rows of poles.
    where is the orginal coastline pre development

  2. Cheers for the comments Elise... by tomorrow morning I'll be up to date and the blog will be real time again!

    It's funny you mention the coastline pre-development... I was looking at some historical maps and Hove Lagoon (which is a watersports place now and formally a nice lake for model boats enthusiasts), used to be a tidal pond. It was around 1910 the groynes were introduced and the beach as it is today was created. The sea used to go up to the road.

