A Landscape Architecture Blog

Tuesday 12 February 2013

String Models -

Further thoughts on the landscape layers... sky, sea, land.  Separating and representing the elements with string on the scanner, quite a nice quick method:

Distilling the landscape...

The coastal panorama... wave and wind action on the strata of the land (above).

Thinking about the temporal nature of the skyline... also the mass of the sky acting on the land - need to 'slice' through this to break the linear nature of the site. 

Thinking about it, the open vista is almost cinematic. Like movie frames, slowed and forwarded depending on the weather conditions. Organizing and capturing spacial arrangement will be key in defining the new promenade. Bernard Tshumi's Manhattan Transcripts, came to mind: the combined concept of frame, sequence and movement within  a space.  

Applying push pull concept to the montage (above).  Cutting through and rearranging the elements, or manipulation of the natural processes. I think this is going to be a key thought going forward - idea of organising space in order to create all encompassing experience.

Organising space, interventions and arrangements that question perceptions within the space. 

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