A Landscape Architecture Blog

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Studio action from last Friday.  We pinned up a SOC analysis of our chosen site for the final part of this terms project.  Previously I'd selected Portland Place over Argyll St, after discussion Elise who suggested it offered more potential for anarchy (with reference to my mentor for this project, Keith Haring).
This SOC is pretty subjective... Jamie rightly highlighted that we need to get to grips with the site and produce a objective survey including materiality and proper measurements.
I seem to be focusing on RIBA at the moment, perhaps because during the first walk along The Line a few of us went up on the roof - quite like the contrast from ground level to panorama.
 From the roof of RIBA (above)
Thinking about Portland Place and it's junctions as arteries - traffic and people rhythmically controlled like a heart beat... arty!
Exploring view point - using the BT Tower as a marker
1:1000 model knock up in the studio by Team Portland (Me, Paddy, Karolina, Alex). Shadow replicating the light at 08:00hrs, 21st June.
Plan view - after a bit of mucking around with glue gun, the buildings were finally fixed in position!
All Souls and the BBC
Bit of a happy accident - late in the afternoon a ray of light cut straight through the model. Perhaps thinking about the channels and negative spaces might prove to be an interesting line of investigation

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