A Landscape Architecture Blog

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Design defrosit

Yesterday we had a interim crit in the studio -  a very long, painful day (numbed slightly by the delights of the Falconwood Harvester).  Cutting to the chase, I've sort of fallen out of love with my concept - The Haring totem perhaps needs to be felled(?).  Design freeze now feels like a distant proposition again. The totem idea seems a little a little limp - a bit like a defrosted ice pop.  Anyway, here's the work.
Rough pin-up...
 Section looking south down Portland Place

Quick model @ 1:200

1 comment:

  1. Nice article.Having air down low as well as at the windshield doesn't affect the windshield clearing as the floor air can't carry the car's interior temperature to the glass as easily. (follows the floor level and goes under the seats.) Thus the driver can have some fresh air without compromising the safety factor.
    Landscape designer VA
